Every day I continue to chose you, and every day that choice gets easier and easier : Taylor swift drops new song for LOVER Travis kelce Amidst engagement

Given the rumors that Travis Kelce recently asked Taylor Swift’s father for permission to marry her, you may be concerned that these two are moving too fast.
If so, you don’t need to worry — apparently, they are patiently waiting to get engaged until this summer, after one whole year of dating!

According to “Page Six,” Taylor and Travis decided not to get engaged on her birthday (December 13) or during the holidays.
An anonymous source added that they also won’t be doing it on Valentine’s Day, either, because “they don’t want it to seem like it’s rushed insanity.”
Instead, “there is a plan” to exchange rings on their one-year dating anniversary in July. (Even though ESPN cameras only started getting to know Taylor in September, she revealed in a recent Time interview that she and Travis started seeing each other over the summer, shortly after he first mentioned her tour on his podcast.)
So what will they be doing on Valentine’s Day? Well, Travis may or may not be cashing in on his podcast’s Etsy sponsorship and gifting a handcrafted knickknack.
In a recent ad, he claimed to be “feeling the Valentine’s Day pressure” and asserted that the marketplace is “the go-to destination for adding that special touch.”
Taylor does seem like the kind of girl who enjoys personalized décor. Or perhaps he finally will throw her an enormous party, like he was supposed to do for her birthday.
Whatever they do, I am sure their plans will be totally levelheaded, understated, and not “rushed insanity” at all.